i am
a counselor.
I have always been interested in behavior and what motivates it. As an undergraduate I attended the University of Pennsylvania and studied the Biological Basis of Behavior. I then attended graduate school at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado and studied Somatic (body-based) Counseling Psychology. I interned as an 8th grade counselor at the Girls Athletic Leadership School (GALS) in Denver, and started my private practice in 2015.
a dancer.
Moving together with a group of (in my case) women, has been when I have felt the most alive and how I have made some of the deepest connections of my life.
a drummer.
In the last few years, I have rediscovered my love for making music, especially with other women. I am eternally grateful that I have the opportunity to create original music, as a form of resistance and magic making, with all women band mud and marrow.
a nature and animal lover.
I worked as an educator at the Philadelphia Zoo for many years before I became a counselor. I have found that observing the animal kingdom and the whole of the world around us can tell us a lot about ourselves. Being in nature is where I consistently find peace and communion with Spirit, my ancestors and myself.
a wife and mother.
My two sons are my greatest gifts and my greatest teachers. I personally understand the unique joys and challenges that come with starting a family and raising children, particularly multiracial children.
a queer.
Ha! Yes, it’s true. While I am in a straight presenting marriage, I am bisexual. I am very familiar with the pressures of compulsory heterosexuality and I did not come out until later in life, although I have known I was bi since I was a teenager. I am very comfortable working with queer partnerships and alternative relationship structures, including non-monogamy and kink.
Tajah Sahar Schall MA, LPC, R-DMT