Culturally Relevant Counseling

Zoom counseling sessions only at this time

We have adapted our equitable pricing model from the following sources. Please click on the links below for more information.
AORTA – Anti-Oppression Resource & Training Alliance
Our Collective Space


*Rates for S&S Equity Consulting are determined per project and contract

Call or Text for Appointments

(215) 605-0280

Or send an email below.

15 + 6 =

Investment in Services:

An Equitable Pricing Model:

Traditional business models rely on methods that often create financial barriers for many due to access to resources and our varying identities. Our effort is to center equity in our practices and strive for collective care by encouraging intentional self-assessment through an equitable pricing model.

The market rate in the Boulder/Denver area for services is $150 for individual sessions, and $175 for couples therapy. We recognize this “market” rate impacts each person differently and disproportionately marginalizes folks who encounter barriers of racism, sexism, ableism, etc.

To address this, we are using the following self-assessment and scale to offer choice in how you engage with your investment for services. We invite you to review the assessment questions and then locate yourself within the scale based on your present moment circumstances.




Please take the brief self-assessment below to help guide your process of locating yourself within the sliding scale. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or further discussion to support your process. 

  1. Are you and your family homeowners or landowners?
  2. Have you attended private education institutions or do you have an advanced degree?
  3. Are your bills or credit cards on autopay?
  4. Have you been able to access and afford healthcare or health insurance with minimal to no difficulty for you or your family members?
  5. Do you have zero to no debt and/or do you have disposable income?
  6. Do you have a safety net composed of “financially stable” or wealthy family and friends?
  7. Do you have U.S. Citizenship?
  8. Does your income only support you, and not other loved ones?
  9. Have you or do you expect to inherit money or property?
  10. Have you (or could you have) attended college and/or graduate school?


Sliding Scale Rates based on your answers to the questions.

  • If you answered almost all no → Solidarity
  • If you answered more no than yes → Sustain
  • If you answered more yes than no → Market Rate
  • If you answered almost all yes → Redistribution


Individual: $75-$100

Couples: $100-$125


This range is for folks who are unable to access support with most therapists due to financial and societal barriers.


Individual: $100-$150

Couples: $125-$175


This is below market rate for those with limited financial resources. We are hopeful that you will be able to access support without financial strain.

Market Rate

Individual: $150

Couples: $175


We ask folks to select this rate if they are able to meet their basic needs comfortably along with a few expendable wants with this rate budgeted in.


Individual: $150-$250

Couples: $175-$275


Those who are able to pay a higher rate without experiencing hardship ensure that those who have fewer resources are able to pay a reduced rate for therapy.

Additional Resources for Low Cost Counseling Services

 If you are seeking counseling services below $75, there are options available in the local community and through telehealth.

Some options are below: