noun cul·ture \ˈkəl-chər\
: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time
: a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.
: a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization
Are issues of racial or ethnic identity hindering your ability to be yourself within relationships?
Do you feel caught between your romantic partner and the beliefs and opinions of your family members?
Counseling for Multiracial/Multiethnic Individuals, Couples and Families
Today more and more people from various backgrounds are stepping into interracial relationships and raising multiracial children.
I myself am a Black woman who married a white man and am raising two multiracial children. My husband and I come from very different families who each have different traditions, rules (spoken and unspoken), communication styles, conflict styles, defense mechanisms and ways of moving through the world. These have influenced how we relate to each other as a couple, for better and for worse. Issues that come up between us interpersonally are influenced by historical, cultural, institutional and societal issues.
As they grows, our sons will have to learn how to navigate both sides of their family and all of the many parts of their identities. They will have a different experience than either myself or my husband. Within multiethnic and multiracial families, once these differences are brought to light and acknowledged, deeper relationship and connection can exist, as well as the joy of truly knowing ourselves and being known by our loved ones.
I work with multiracial couples and families to recognize, understand and appreciate each others different ways of relating, as well as the roots of where they come from.
“We can only do what we want, once we know what we ARE doing” ~Moshe Feldenkrais
~I’ve tried counseling before and it didn’t work for me. How will this be any different?
Every counselor is different, and the therapeutic relationship is a unique and intimate one. I always encourage potential clients to continue shopping until they find a therapist who is the right fit for them and their situation. This may or may not be me. The best way to find out is to come in for a consultation, and to trust your gut. Most people know after one session whether or not they want to continue working with a counselor. After our initial consultation, we will have an honest and open dialogue about whether or not we are a good fit for each other.
~What if my partner/family won’t come with me?
Even if your partner or family member is uncomfortable with the idea of coming to therapy, there are still many skills that you can learn and bring home to them that can help improve your communication and conflict.
~What might a typical session be like?
Expect to feel your emotions. Part of the process of therapy is learning to tolerate uncomfortable and intense emotions. I will always be there to help you feel safe. Sessions may include talking, practicing skills, noticing body sensations, moving, breathing, mindfulness, guided meditation, etc.
~How long can I expect to be in therapy?
This depends very much on your individual situation. Some people work with me for a few months and some people for several years.
~What if I can’t afford it?
Depending on your situation, you may not be able to afford not to. Imagine how your life will be different with better family cohesion, connection and communication. What is that worth to you?
At the same time, I understand that financial constraints are a real thing. I can work with you. Sliding scale options are available. There is also the option of meeting less than weekly. If this is still a difficulty, group therapy may be an option. Please do call or email me to discuss further options.

Tajah Sahar Schall MA, LPC, R-DMT
I provide somatic (body-based), social justice oriented counseling to individuals, couples and families of all sociocultural backgrounds. I support adolescents and their families through the unique and often difficult time of transition by incorporating movement, nature and rites of passage into the therapeutic process.
Zoom sessions only for the time being
Call for Appointments
(215) 605-0280