
What is Dance/Movement Therapy?

What is Dance/Movement Therapy?

The American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) defines Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT) as the psychotherapeutic use of movement to further the emotional, cognitive, physical and social integration of the individual. What I particularly like about this definition is the...

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Play Therapy and ADHD

Play Therapy and ADHD

The American Psychiatric Association classifies Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as comprising two major symptoms: poor sustained attention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity. The three subtypes of the disorder include: predominantly inattentive,...

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I am from…

I am from…

At some point in our work together, I often have my clients write an “I am from” poem about themselves. As I do not ask my clients to do anything that would not be willing to do myself, here is mine... I Am From I am from Janet Elizabeth and Herschel Marcellus AKA...

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Tajah Sahar Schall MA, LPC, R-DMT

I provide somatic (body-based), social justice oriented counseling to individuals, couples and families of all sociocultural backgrounds. I support adolescents and their families through the unique and often difficult time of transition by incorporating movement, nature and rites of passage into the therapeutic process.


Zoom sessions only for the time being

Call for Appointments

(215) 605-0280